400 grams of flour, baking soda…
Šternberk Gallery, Šternberk, 5. 11.–5. 12. 2008, (collaboration with Petra Herotová)
The exhibition in Šternberk Gallery was my second exhibition together with Petra Herotová. I presented installations of my own work by creating references to the installations of Petra, sometimes openly quoting her previous work. I presented a series of paintings and photographs that explore what is lost, what remains and what occurs anew by accepting the stereotypes of the public to whom I am attached by common intensive life experience – be it neighbors or patients. The selection of exhibited works represents questions of meaning and content of art that I am constantly confronted with, arising not only from the lay public, but especially from people close to me. In a variety of forms I come to terms with misunderstanding and forgiving acceptance of my artistic activity and life style. Nevertheless, the question “what is your art actually good for” is not a purpose in itself but only a point of departure to other, more intimate issues. This intimacy is also reflected in the title of the exhibition which refers to my grandmother’s recipe for a cake which Petra baked for her while she was in a hospital.