Leave the finger to the devil, but not the ring!
Pavilon Gallery, Prague, 4. 8.–4. 9. 2010, (collaboration with V. Vlková)
This was the first out of the two expositions taking place right after each other in one exhibition space. There is a mix of reference to some titles from the previous expositions and artworks: replica of the rock devil from gymnasium, swing from the picture of the tire. Upholstered panels from (non-upholstered) panels from the exhibition „Make swing from the tire with the rock devil“, the story of mean Ms. Andelova that is loosing her finger even with the ring. Video of clueless walking with a plastic bag by the gate of ruined church. Aquarelle of the explosion, dismantling of the cobbles next to the church and portrait of Daniela Barackova selling goodies to children. Wall painting of torn off rainbow and the walls of the church.
Forms of evil without evil.